GRAIN external evaluation 2012

by GRAIN | 1 Ago 2012

1 August 2012

Between April and June 2012, GRAIN underwent its latest external evaluation. This evaluation focused on GRAIN's work on land grabbing, over the period 2008-2011. The exercise was commissioned by three of GRAIN's funding partners -- Misereor, Oxfam-Novib and Swedbio -- and was carried out by Joan Baxter and Göran Eklöf, together with Alberto Villareal.

The executive summary and recommendations are now available online. Overall, the findings are quite positive and the recommendations provide a number of useful ideas that GRAIN will be exploring over the coming months. Some of them can be addressed through our current work processes, while others would require new and additional funding.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultations and discussions, and welcome any feedback or further inputs!

Author: GRAIN
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